
SBA 504 Loan Interest Rates

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October 2024

25-Year Fixed Rate Standard:

25-Year Fixed Rate Refinance:

20-Year Fixed Rate Standard:

20-Year Fixed Rate Refinance:

10-Year Estimated Fixed Rate Standard:

10-Year Estimated Fixed Rate Refinance:

Official monthly SBA 504 effective interest rate tables can be found at Eagle Compliance LLC. 25- and 20-year term loans fund every month; 10-year term loans fund every other month. Effective interest rates are inclusive of servicing fees, which are subject to credit risk of the applicant.

Servicing the States of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.

SBA 504 Debt Refinancing Program

小企业可以根据SBA 504十大正规赌平台平台计划对商业抵押十大正规赌平台平台和其他商业债务进行再融资.

小企业主可以减轻他们每月的债务支付,并获得被困在商业十大赌博正规老平台持有的股权,通过再融资传统的十大赌博正规老平台十大正规赌平台平台 SBA’s 504 Debt Refinancing Program with or without expansion.

Under the program available through Florida First Capital/First Capital Finance, small businesses can take advantage of below-market, fixed interest rate refinancing with repayment terms up to 25 years for up to 90% of the appraised value of commercial real estate property.

504债务再融资计划下的十大正规赌平台平台是504十大正规赌平台平台,并受所有适用的SBA 504十大正规赌平台平台计划要求的约束.

504 Debt Refinancing WITHOUT Expansion

  • 十大正规赌平台平台收益将用于对合格债务进行再融资,而不会用于扩张.
  • For borrowers that refinance only long-term fixed asset debt (no cash out), the maximum LTV is 90% of the fair market value of the eligible fixed asset(s).
  • Eligible fixed assets include land, buildings, machinery and equipment that were acquired, constructed or improved by a small business for use in its business operations.
  • Borrowers can also refinance eligible business operating expenses (cash-out option), 然而,最高85%的LTV适用,项目的业务运营费用部分可以 not exceed 20% of the value of the eligible fixed asset(s) securing the qualified debt.
  • 合格的营业费用包括非资本性支出的任何其他业务费用.g., salaries, rent, utilities, inventory, etc.) that were incurred but 在再融资申请日期之前未支付或将在申请日期后18个月内到期支付的款项.
  • Debt is not included as an eligible business expense, 但以信用卡或商业信用额度产生的债务可以包括在内,如果信用卡或商业信用额度 信贷是以小企业的名义发放的,申请人证明被再融资的债务完全是为了与业务相关的目的而产生的.



504 Debt Refinancing WITH Expansion


  • 最高LTV为符合条件的固定资产公平市场价值的90%(无套现选择权).
  • A project involves expansion if it includes the acquisition, construction or improvement of land, building or equipment for use by the borrower.
  • 任何不超过扩建成本100%的现有合格债务都可以进行再融资.
  • 再融资的债务将被添加到扩建成本中,以确定项目总成本.



Refinance of Existing Government Guaranteed Debt

  • SBA 504再融资项目有或没有扩张,在以下条件下可以包括联邦担保债务:
  • For an existing 504 loan, 第三方十大正规赌平台平台(第一次按揭)和SBA 504十大正规赌平台平台(第二次按揭)必须再融资, or the third party loan must be paid in full.
  • For an existing 7(a) loan, 认证开发公司必须以书面形式证明当前十大正规赌平台平台人不愿或不能修改当前的付款时间表. The existing 7(a) loan may be refinanced in whole or in part.
  • In the case of same institution debt, 如果第三方十大正规赌平台平台人或认证开发公司关联公司是7(a)十大正规赌平台平台人, the loan will be eligible for 504 refinancing only if 十大正规赌平台平台人无法修改现有十大正规赌平台平台的条款,因为二级市场投资者不会同意修改条款.
  • 任何联邦担保债务的再融资都必须为借款人提供“实质性利益”——至少节省10%的新分期付款金额 the debt being refinanced.

Qualification Criteria

  • 至少75%的原始十大正规赌平台平台用于购置、建设或改善固定资产.
  • 借款人必须在提交再融资申请前已营业满2年,并且在截止日期的2年期间内一直处于营业状态 申请的,以申请时提交的财务报表为证明. If the ownership of the borrower has changed during this 2-year period, Florida 第一首创/第一首创金融将根据以下条件确定借款人是否被视为新业务:“新业务是指为期2年的业务 old or less at the time the loan is approved. 在十大正规赌平台平台获批时成立超过2年的业务,如果是变更业务,则可被视为新业务 ownership that will result in new, unproven ownership/management and increased debt unrelated to business operations.”
  • 合资格债务在申请日期前不少于6个月发生,并以合资格的固定资产作担保最少6个月.
  • 必须对项目资产和作为附加抵押品提供的任何附加资产的公平市场价值进行独立评估. Appraisals are not required at time of application, 但必须在截止日期前提交,且日期不得早于申请获本局批准日期前一年.

Loan Structure/Down Payment Schedule

  • Total of first and second mortgages on refinance deals will be up to 90% (85% max LTV on no expansion cash-out deals); the structure will vary depending upon the transaction. Contact a Florida First Capital/First Capital Finance Loan Expert for a sample deal structure.
  • In addition to a cash contribution, 借款人在符合条件的固定资产(504项目)中的股权可满足首付款.

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